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Family info
Become a Member!

Fairwood PTSA 2020-21 Memberships

Welcome to the Fairwood PTSA website! Please create an account for your family if you are new to the website.
Employer information is not necessary and only used to help you find company matching donations if desired.

This website will allow you to pay for your PTSA membership dues and other products throughout the year and access our online directory(members only), see an up-to-date calendar of events, and MANY more exciting features. Wondering why you need an account? Click HERE.


Please sign in to your existing account, rather than creating a new one. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here. Click the 'EDIT' buttons to review and update your account information INCLUDING YOUR EMAIL AND ONLINE DIRECTORY SETTINGS. Don't forget to update your student's teacher/grade too!

FOR TEACHERS/STAFF MEMBERS (without children attending Fairwood):

You only need to fill out your first name, last name, email address, and password on the left side. You may skip all other fields if you wish.

Parent info

Choosing a password is not required. But by choosing a password, you will be able to log in to this website later in order to access your account and avoid having to enter your information again. If you don't choose a password now, you can always choose one later.

If your employer matches your charitable contributions, please enter the name of the company. This is so we can confirm your contribution when your company contacts us. However, it is important for you to initiate the matching process for any eligible contributions through your company's own website or process.

Weekly Monday e-mail updates from the Fairwood PTSA. May also include urgent announcements when there is a last-minute change of plans and we need to get an important announcement out quickly.
Weekly e-mail

Choosing a password is not required. But by choosing a password, you will be able to log in to this website later in order to access your account and avoid having to enter your information again. If you don't choose a password now, you can always choose one later.

If your employer matches your charitable contributions, please enter the name of the company. This is so we can confirm your contribution when your company contacts us. However, it is important for you to initiate the matching process for any eligible contributions through your company's own website or process.

Weekly Monday e-mail updates from the Fairwood PTSA. May also include urgent announcements when there is a last-minute change of plans and we need to get an important announcement out quickly.
Weekly e-mail

Student info