(The website has a few items carrying over from summer. We'll have it more updated in the next few weeks.)

We're building a new team to contribute to the PTSA website content. We have some new people ready to help, and are organizing now. Some of our great folks from the past few years have moved on to other PTSA roles, or away from Fairwood Elementary. This is a great time to join in!

Help from home!: Any one of these is a very manageable task and can stand alone. Training and help are available! Being familiar with some basic word processing, and internet access are all you need to get started.

Contact Linda Bakan at webcontent@fairwoodptsa.org with any questions. The main areas are below. Let me know if anything looks interesting to you!

  • post items to the online CALENDAR
  • coordinate the VOLUNTEER DASHBOARD on the website
  • help edit & post PTSA event and program ANNOUNCEMENTS (that other people write)
  • update/ create & post HOME PAGE BANNER SLIDES
  • update/ create ONLINE ORDERING ‘PACKETS’ (membership, fun run, etc.)